Iron Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex and Folic Acid Syrup


Product Composition

This combination comes under the oral iron preparations is used to treat iron deficiency with or without anemia This preparation of slow release iron is used so that it does not bound with the transferrin protein. Folic acid also used to run the body machinery and make new cells or the synthesis of the RNA and DNA


Iron deficiency anemia

About Composition:

Iron Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex-
Iron hydroxide polymaltose is the nonionic iron in the polymaltose complex And is used in the treatment in the iron deficiency with or without anemia Iron is absorbed in the small intestine and is stored in the form of ferritin, Then is available to perform various functions
It is absorbed from the small intestine and is excreted via stools

Folic Acid-
Folic acid is the important cofactor in the DNA and RNA synthesis.
Folic acid helps to run the body machinery and for the production and maintenance of new cells. It is used to treat folic acid deficiency anaemia and other forms of anaemia.Folic acid is the main precursor for the synthesis of tetrahydro folic acid.

Side Effects:

⇒ Diarrhea
⇒ Nausea
⇒ Dyspepsia
⇒ Constipation
⇒ Stomach-ache
⇒ Itchiness
⇒ Headache
⇒ Bloating
⇒ Depression
⇒ Sleep problems


⇒ Contraindicated in renal impairment
⇒ Contraindicated in pregnancy